tiistai 29. kesäkuuta 2010


With so little time to update when the puppies were still with us, with sadness I tell You that all the puppies have left for their new homes.

Some of the best moments were when little Hiawatha fell in the fountain at the age of 5 weeks. With no panic he started swimming around and we had to do some work to get him out of there. So, Hiawatha proved himself to be a true waterdog.

In the end of May the Spanishwaterdogs met the barbet-girls and after the first shyness they had a blast together. In the beginning of June the weather started to be warm and nice enough so that we could have the puppies outside and they just loved it! The puppies also discovered quite quickly how they could get through the fence so we had to fix the fencee with some extra net. After this the puppies soon figured out another way out of their inclosure by digging underneath the fence :)

I also discovered the fact that there was definitely no idea of keeping carpets of the floors so now when the puppies have left I have been washing carpets, several carpets ;)

It was also a quite bad idea to plants some flowers together with puppies, it ended up with a few dead and distroyed flowerplants and soil everywhere, including the puppies were covered in dry soil.

The puppies were also health checked by a veterinarian and they are all healthy puppies. The puppies were also microchipped and the Spanish waterdogs got vaccinated. I thought the trip the the vet would be exhausting and perhaps a little bit stressful for the puppies but no, they were themselves when we got back home and were screaming for food. These puppies are very good eaters, our last litter was quite bad and it took a while to get them to eat "real" food but these little ones, they like to eat ;)

After several thoughts and changing my mind,we finally decided to keep to dark brown barbet female, with a white asterix on her chest, at home. Her official name is Hapiberg's Caffe Doppio but she will be called Stella. The blondie, Caffe Latte, went to some of our very good friends and I know she will be going to shows. I think all the puppies got marvelous homes and I wish them all the luck in the future!

For pictures, please check out the picture gallery and for more news in the future, please check out our "normal" blog.

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